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Addressing student disengagement, personalised learning tailors education to individual strengths and interests. Backed by tech moguls and educational networks, it's gaining global traction. Critics argue it could isolate students and burden teachers, but effective implementation could lead to engaged, self-motivated learners. Despite challenges, personalised learning could reshape the future of education.
If you have a friend or family member who works in education, chances are you’ve heard their worries about the rise of AI writing. ChatGPT and its ilk, despite only recently becoming publicly available, have already given educators major headaches. Social media lately has been filled with examples of students submitting AI-written essays that are filled with factual errors, or take bizarre leaps of logic that a student who understands the topic wouldn’t take. It can be demoralising for a teacher to know that unengaged students now have new tools to cheat the system – but that doesn’t have to be the case. AI tools can help students’ learning in more ways than hinder them, if implemented carefully, and could be facilitating a broader revolution in the way that assessment is conducted. Let’s dive in.
Asynchronous communication has emerged as a significant factor in enhancing the learning experience for students and faculty members in higher education institutions. This post discusses the benefits of fostering asynchronous communication between academics, students, and student peers in a university context. We review the literature to support our arguments, emphasizing the positive impact of asynchronous communication on student learning, engagement, and overall success.
This post explores the benefits of having students work on assessment items early in the learning process and revisiting those items consistently throughout the course, with a focus on scaffolded assessment. The post examines the potential academic outcomes associated with this approach, supported by relevant research studies and academic literature. The discussion highlights the importance of engaging students in the assessment process and demonstrates the effectiveness of scaffolded assessment in enhancing students' understanding, critical thinking, and overall academic achievement.
This post explores the benefits of using Reflective Learning Journals (RLJs) in Work Integrated Learning (WIL) courses at the university level. It provides an overview of RLJs, discusses the advantages of incorporating them into WIL courses, and presents evidence from academic literature that supports these outcomes. The paper concludes by suggesting recommendations for the successful implementation of RLJs in WIL courses.